Thursday, 17 May 2012

Great Crested Grebe at Far INgs Nature Reserve. 17.5.12.

Great Crested Grebe shots in the rain today. The pike in the bottom shot was fed to the Chick! The chick got the fish head first in it's mouth when the parent decided it was too large and ate the fish itself. No photo's though as I videoed the action. I will post that here later.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

More Marsh Harrier and Willow Tit. 16.5.12.

From the top 2 pictures of female Marsh Harrier and one of the male. Then we have a few more shots of the Willow Tits returning with caterpillars.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Far Ings and the local wood. 13.5.12.

A few shots from today all taken today at Far Ings except the Willow Tit which is at a local wood. From the top Pheasant, Swift, Marh harrier (female), Willow Tit, Marsh Harrier with prey (Male) and Marsh Harrier (male) x2.